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Service is Carlito's trump card

Carlos Alcaraz, who is kicking off his Asian tour, is a total player, aggressive in every sense of the word and super-creative.

He can rely on his serve, which he has been improving since his debut on the pro circuit.

Carlitos has a very powerful right-hand serve, which can reach speeds of over 130 mph (209 km/h). He uses a classic service grip.

Positioning: Before beginning his serve, Alcaraz positions himself to face the net with his feet slightly apart and his shoulders in line. He then takes a few steps back to gain momentum. In his service preparation, he closely resembles the legend André Agassi.

Andre Agassi and Carlos Alcaraz serves
Andre Agassi and Carlos Alcaraz

Service movement: Alcaraz uses a fluid, regular service movement. He starts by swinging his free arm back to create momentum, then lowers his hitting arm and leans slightly forward to generate power. He then launches the ball into the air and strikes it with an up-and-down swing.

Ball placement: Alcaraz often aims for the corners of the service box to make it more difficult for his opponent to return. He can also vary the height and trajectory of the ball to destabilize his opponent. We saw this in the Wimbledon final against Novak Djokovic, where he often managed to win points against the Serb by favoring service over the body.

It's an essential tactical move for the Mourcian. He often uses his serve to gain the advantage in the point from the outset. He often targets the corners of the service box to force his opponent to move and hit a difficult return shot.

In the experts' opinion, he can still make progress on the T of the service box to attempt more aces.

Vamos Carlitos!


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